ul. Jaskrów 11
04-709 Warsaw, Poland
NIP: 952-17-83-570
KRS: 0000025310
Sąd Rejonowy Dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIV Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
Kapitał zakładowy Spółki: 11.850.000,00 PLN opłacony w całości
tel. +48 22 612-77-86
tel. +48 22 612 78 04
fax +48 22 379 66 34
Reception: ext. 101
Export Department
Cobi Factory S.A.
39-300 Mielec, Poland
Wojska Polskiego 3
tel. +48 17 788 9275, +48 17 788 9264
fax +48 17 788 7884
Schadenabteilung (fehlende Bausteine)
COBI Factory SA
Wojska Polskiego 3
39-300 Mielec, Polska
Fehlende Ziegelsteine - Antrag auf Entschädigung
COBI.PL Online-Geschäft
Abwicklung von Online-Bestellungen
Wojska Polskiego 3
39-300 Mielec
tel. +48 22 506 57 70 / +48 22 506 57 71 - Mo. - Fr. 7.30 - 15.00 Uhr MEZ
Bank und Online-Shop-Konto:
Santander Bank Polska SA
IBAN: PL04 1090 1056 0000 0001 4275 7880, SWIFT: WBKPPLPP
COBI SA ul. Jaskrów 11,
04-709 Warszawa
Technische Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Betrieb der Website
Jaskrów 11, 04-709 Warszawa
- Are you just starting your adventure with COBI bricks? See our guide "How to build from COBI bricks" (subtitles with translations available in all languages).
- Is your new set missing or damaged? If so, fill out the application form.
- Do you want to know when a set will be released or what models are available ? See online catalog.
- Do you have a suggestion for COBI or have a different idea, or would like to show your own constructions and discuss with likeminded people? Join our discussion group COBI FANS on Facebook.
- Do you want to know more about COBI? See our YouTube channel COBI and visit our Instagram channel "cobi.toys".