
  • Neue Günstige Lieferung - Einschreibebrief.

    Neue Günstige Lieferung - Einschreibebrief.

    Wenn Sie einzelne Blöcke kaufen möchten, können Sie eine neue günstige Lieferung wählen. Wir laden Sie ein, den neuen Service zu nutzen. Der neue Service ist viel günstiger!
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  • New catalog of Cobi blocks 3/2018

    New catalog of Cobi blocks 3/2018

    In the new catalog of Cobi blocks, you will find, among others: Youngtimer collection, collection of Great War and WW2 War, Small Army blocks, World of War blocks, Pirates and Action Town.
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  • Cobi Military Game (announcement)

    Cobi Military Game (announcement)

    Cobi presents a completely new game with Cobi sets from the WW2 Historical Collection series! The game is a simple simulation of a tank combat in World War II. Each side is played by one team AXIS against Allied/USSR. See for yourself which side will turn out to be stronger!
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  • New catalog of Cobi blocks

    New catalog of Cobi blocks

    In the new catalog of Cobi blocks, you will find, among others: The USS Constitution, PZL P-37B Łoś (Moose), Nakajima Ki-49, P39 Aircobra, De Havilland Mosquito, Sd.Kfz.2, 7TP & 7TP dual tower, Boeing 737 8Max and many other new and well known and popular sets.
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  • London Bus

    London Bus

    A red double-decker bus which is integrally associated with the capital of Great Britain, became a symbol in 1962. It was produced by British company AEC, working in car industry. Although Routemaster became popular in 1960s, but it could be seen in 1959 together with trolleybuses functioning at that time. When trolleybuses went out of use, Routemaster gained exclusivity for bus service. Today you can see its reconstruction as COBI model.
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  • Gift to small children at the Children's Health Center

    Gift to small children at the Children's Health Center

    We decided to present a beautiful, fairy-tale wall to Cobi's youngsters and characters as a gift to their small children at the Children's Health Center in Warsaw. This brings back the smiles on the faces of the children in need. Such a birthday makes sense!
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  • All Blocks 19% OFF

    All Blocks 19% OFF

    Now all blocks 19% OFF!
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  • World of Tanks & Nano Tanks

    World of Tanks & Nano Tanks

    Vergleich der Größe der Nano Tanks mit klassischen Tanks World of Tanks.
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  • Alles Gute zum Kindertag!

    Alles Gute zum Kindertag!

    Alles Gute zum Kindertag! Machen wir den Kindern aller Altersgruppen diesen Tag besonders sein.
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  • Jetzt ist neue Kollektion vorhanden!

    Jetzt ist neue Kollektion vorhanden!

    Wir haben gerade unsere neue Kollektion „Monster Trux“ veröffentlicht! Es gibt 9 Sätze mit Stücken von den einfacheren 50 Blöcken bis zu einem komplexeren und anspruchsvollen Satz mit 500 Stücken.
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  • Neue Methoden des Versandes!

    Neue Methoden des Versandes!

    Neue Methoden des Versandes sind jetzt zugänglich in unserem Online-Shop. Prüfen Sie das!
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